Friday, December 2, 2011

BIG news! And then some even BIGGER news!!

The big news is that I'm PREGNANT! No surprises, it was all planned and very much wanted. I'm possibly a bit surprised at how quickly it happened. So is Greg. We're due about the 22nd of November, 2011. Two days before Brayden's 3rd birthday. Here is an ultrasound picture.

And here's the even bigger news... It's been so long since i've blogged that the baby has arrived!
Tyler Christopher was born at 10.42am on Wednesday the 16th November, 2011, weighing 3.4kg and measuring 51cm in length. He looks so much like Brayden. Another ceasarean unfortunately, but atleast he's with us now and all is great. I was lucky enough to get my own room at the hospital (thanks to some string pulling by Lenora, who was working on the day). Here's our precious little guy 

Liam and Brayden love him so so much. We came home from the hospital on the Sunday and the following morning I woke up and Liam asked me, "How did Tyler go last night?" Brayden always wants to hold him. He's fascinated by breastfeeding. The first time he saw me do it he laughed out loud and said "ha ha what you doin to your boobie?". Nanny Chris was here on the weekend and asked if she could take Tyler home with her and Liam said, "You can't, you don't have any milk in your boobies". LOL.
They both cover their ears when he cries, especially in the car, which he doesn't seem to like much.

I feel so lucky to have 3 healthy, gorgeous, perfect little boys to love.

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