Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My baby boy is 2!

Today my beautiful Brayden turned 2! I can't tell you how happy I am that he's reached this milestone. I know everybody says it, but I honestly can't believe how fast the past two years have passed. It seems like such a short time ago that I was holding him in the hospital bed, thinking about what a good boy he was because all of the other babies were crying and he was sleeping soundly (that didn't last long, mind you). I have such great memories of those first few months - Greg was on leave and the four of us just hung out at home together. I used to feed him in the front lounge room and we would all sit in there, talking, laughing and eating ridiculous amounts of watermelon. Now all of a sudden we're saying happy 2nd birthday!!!

We had such a great day celebrating the day.

Liam woke him but he refused to get up which drove Liam crazy because HE wanted to see the presents opened. Finally Brayden walked out to the lounge room and when I told him they were for him, he said, "ME?" as though it was just unbelievable. All day I was calling him 'birthday boy' and every time he would say "ME?"

After brekky we headed to the library for story time and crafts. The theme today was dragons which Liam actually guessed before we left home. I couldn't believe it when we arrived and I saw that he was right.

After stocking up on lunch and some birthday treats we headed to one of our favourite spots on the coast - The croc park (Australian Reptile Park).

It was a great time to be there because there was hardly anybody around.
Of course we headed straight to Elvis the crocodile (creepy) and then to the park area.

After seeing the dingoes, koalas, alligators, snakes, lizards and spiders we headed off and Brayden fell asleep in the car. After about an hour he woke up and played with his big brother for a while.
Soon after that Daddy came home and we headed out for dinner (too lazy to cook) and then to the beach for a play. 

Finally it was home to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY and have some Freddo ice cream cake - a big hit with the boys.

My Brayden, I love you moooore than you can imagine. You're such a joy to be around because you're so loving, caring, daring, clever, wild, funny and entertaining. You just fill our hearts with love and laughter each and every day. The past two years have been fantastically indescribable and fabulously unforgettable, all because of you.

Lots of love always,

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